Web Design FAQ

We have put together this list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) that we get asked a lot relating to our web design services. We’ll keep adding to this if we find more we are getting asked a question regularly to save you having to ask us yourselves. So if you don’t find your answer below then just get in contact with us and we’ll be sure to get you the answer.

How much does a new website cost?

There isn’t just one answer to this question. We provide bespoke quotes for all our websites as they can vary so much. For a simple website with just a couple of pages and no extra features from standard we would be looking around the £250 mark as a minimum. The upper limit for the cost of a website isn’t possible to say. This is because if you want a full e-commerce site with thousands of products and over a hundred pages we are obviously going to be in the thousands.

How long will it take to get a new website?

Our usual lead time for a small brochure site is around 3 to 4 weeks. For larger projects this would be discussed with you at the time of quoting and discussing the project in more depth.  Whilst we do our best to stick to the dates we estimate, we can’t guarantee them.

This is because we base this estimate off a number of factors. Firstly, we require content/images from yourself before we can start. If this isn’t provided promptly, this can delay the start. We also ask you for feedback at multiple times through the design process. If we don’t get prompt replies, this again would delay the project as we can’t make any required amendments. This is also based on the assumption that you don’t request anything extra during the project. We do find regularly that extra features or pages are requested mid project so this again, can add time on.

How do we communicate throughout the website build?

Before the project has even started we’ll have a good few in depth chats over Zoom or Microsoft Teams. During these calls we will discuss and outline the plan for the project and what you have in mind for your website. Whilst the build is in process, we’ll probably have a few more video calls before the project is complete. During these I can share the screen to show you bits of the website for you to provide feedback on. We can also communicate over email or WhatsApp (whichever you prefer) so that I can save the things we discuss to reference back to.

Will the website come with an SSL Certificate?

Yes. All of our websites come with an SSL Certificate from Lets Encrypt as standard. This kind of certificate is known as a Domain Validated (DV) certificate and means that data between your web browser and the web server are encrypted. Should you wish, you can upgrade to an Organization Validation (OV) or Extended Validation (EV) at extra cost. This isn’t required for most websites. This may only be preferable if operating a large online shop to install that extra trust in your customers.

I already have my own domain name, can I use that?

Yes, you definitely can. We would prefer to transfer the domain to us so that we can make sure that the nameservers stay pointed to CloudFlare. This allows us to configure all the DNS records we require. We will also set up caching via CloudFlare and provide your website with protection against DDoS attacks. We will also renew your domain on time for you so that you don’t lose your own domain.

I already have a business website from Yell, why should I switch?

Websites designed by ADB Web Designs are more elegant, faster, better optimised for search engines and also cheaper than websites created by Yell. We know they sell all sorts of Yell extras in the package, but we’ve heard from plenty of businesses that those extras are simply not worth it.

Will my website look great and work on mobiles?

Yes. All of our websites are optimised for mobiles, tablets and desktop computers. This means no matter your screen-size your website will look great. If another web design company doesn’t include this by default or wants to charge you extra for it then avoid them at all costs. More traffic comes from mobiles than desktops these days so this should be standard.

Will you set my website up with Google Analytics?

Yes, most web designers will charge an extra fee for this, but we include this by default using Google Tag Manager. It takes less than 20 minutes to create the analytics account and complete the property setup. We will install the tracking code on your website via Google Tag Manager which makes the process even easier. So we don’t understand why other companies don’t include this for free too.

Can you help list my business on Google and Bing Maps?

Yes, if this is applicable to your business (it is applicable to most). When we create your website we will also create or update your listings on both Google My Business and Bing Places. We include this free in our web design packages but we also offer this on its own at £10 to be setup on just one of them or £15 to be setup on both.

Do you provide SEO services?

Yes, we do. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and we can provide this service for all of our clients. Just give us a call and we can discuss your needs further and we’ll give you a quote.

Can you guarantee that my website will rank high on Google?

We definitely can not. No web design or SEO company can guarantee this. Whilst we build all of our websites in a way that they should rank on Google and other search engines, nobody can simply guarantee this. All search engines have their own complicated and secret algorithms based on hundreds of different factors which they use to decide whether they will of where they will rank you. That said, using our in depth knowledge as well as techniques we employ on getting our own website to rank for numerous different keywords, we can certainly put you in the best place possible to rank well on Google and other search engines.

I already have a Facebook page, why do I need a website?

Whilst a Facebook page is a great marketing tool for your business, you shouldn’t rely on it on its own. Facebook pages aren’t optimised for SEO like websites from ourselves are and not everyone is on Facebook so you are potentially missing out on a lot of potential customers. You are also very limited on how you can customise a Facebook page which means you probably aren’t able to show off everything you would like to about your business, and certainly not in the way you would like. With a website, you can have it how you want and to your design. And as they say, “don’t have all your eggs in one basket”.

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